Execution Tracking is visual representation of execution status of every component while the job is in execution. This functionality also enables to view the number of records processed by a component on User Interface along the tracking log of job in execution.



1) Settings to enable/disable Execution Tracking:

To enable/disable Execution Tracking in an ELT project in Hydrograph, user is provided with options in the Window menu.

User can navigate to Window -> Preferences -> Execution Tracking to set the preferences.


On Preferences Window, select filter 'Execution Tracking' as below:


By default option for Tracking is checked i.e. Execution tracking is enabled for that particular project by default.

In Tracking Log path, browse and provide the directory path to save tracking log.

By default log is saved to build directory i.e. it is <Installation Path>\config\logger\JobTrackingLog\

To disable or if user does not want to view the tracking of job on User Interface, uncheck the Tracking option in above Window.

Apply button applies the changes made in parameter settings of Execution Tracking.

Restore Defaults button sets the default directory path for Tracking Log.

OK successfully saves the applied changes and closes the window.

Cancel button closes the Preferences window without applying the changes made. Default values will be restored and window will be closed.


2) Component Status of Execution tracking on Job Canvas:

On enabling the execution tracking from Preferences, user will start seeing the execution status and record count on each component when a job is submitted for execution

This is applicable for all the run modes i.e. local/remote/debug/non-debug.

Icons at the bottom left of each component define the current execution status of the job.

  1. Pending state - when job is executed, icon for pending status will display on job canvas on lower-left corner of all components.
    This status will remain until the particular component comes in running state.
  2. Running state - component in running state will be displayed with icon until the state of execution of that component is successful or failed.
  3. Successful State - component will display with icon to show successful status.
  4. Failed/Killed State - component will be in failed status displayed with icon if run fails/killed in between execution of job.

    In case of subjob, as soon as its first component starts, the subjob component is marked with \ running icon . Untill then it will be marked with pending icon
    On successful completion of its last component, the subjob component will be marked with successful icon
    If any of its component fails the subjob will be marked with abend icon .

At the beginning of execution, all components record count will be initialized to 0. On component completion, the exact no. of records processed by component will be displayed

Execution tracking results will be cleared out automatically upon re-running a job/ closing the job canvas. Editing and saving a job would also result in clearing of the results.

3) Execution Tracking Console:

The execution tracking console displays the report of job in execution with the status and record process details. Console will display log with record count details on each out port for all the components from the job as well as from the sub jobs.
This tracking log will be maintained at the path mentioned by user in preferences.
If not specified by user, log will be saved at default installation path (\config\logger\JobTrackingLog\).

Steps to view Execution Tracking Console:

1) From the Job Canvas Tool Bar, click on button for Execution Tracking Console (highlighted in Blue below):

2) Console will display run-time report of job execution. Report format will be as follows:

This sample report exhibits the following basic structure of tracking report on Execution Tracking Console: